Wednesday, April 30, 2014

#@#@#@###5 Smartphone Security Tips (Part 2). reviews

 First Keep Your Phone 'In Jail' This is pretty simple. It's tempting to "jailbreak" or "root" your phone to access hidden features and unofficial apps. But if you are concerned about security, do not do it. This can be circumvented many of the integrated policy of the smartphone operating system and opens up pathways of vulnerability that may not be readily apparent. Second Avoid Wi-Fi Hotspots Think twice before using your smartphone with a public Wi-Fi hotspot, because just as with your PC, this kind of shared, unsecured connection to your activities and data vulnerable to eavesdropping and theft. Note: If you safe on your smartphone to a corporate network (rather than simply using the Internet) you want to connect, you can do so with a VPN if your corporate network is so equipped. If so, you must configure certain information from your IT department to make the connection on your phone. Third Mind Your Mobile Apps With such a wide variety of smartphone apps available - most of them are free or low cost - it's tempting to load up on anything and everything, what you like catches. This is not a good idea because you can not be really sure what an app is doing when it is on your phone. 4th Use anti-virus software As we mentioned earlier, the use of smartphones not away from malware purveyors, who are increasingly targeting the devices for the attack unnoticed. You would probably not dream of using a PC without anti-virus protection, and in a world where every app, web link or e-mail access can potentially accommodate your smartphone something malicious, it is a good idea to anti-virus software to use there. 5th Beware of text message spam Text messages seem harmless, but as a Web page or e-mail, they can be used for mischief. Especially if you are not / do not have smartphone anti-virus protection to respond or never follow links sent in a text from an unknown party. You could find yourself with unwanted software on your phone or unexplained charges on your bill.
READ MORE - #@#@#@###5 Smartphone Security Tips (Part 2). reviews

#@#@###Best 5 tips to save your smartphone battery. Reviews (part 1). Reviews

 Apple have to play Blackberry, Samsung and other global brands with smart phones with powerful mobile operating systems such as Google Android, Nokia Symbian, Apple iOS, etc, the user, listen to MP3s, snapshots enables equipped, access to the Net and even streaming videos. A. Turn Off Vibration Vibration for the notification for incoming calls or messages while in the theater, meetings or other places where it is necessary to set the phone silent are great. In places where it does not matter, it will be better for you to use as your ringtone notification if you want to keep your smartphones more. Second Dim Your Screen This tip relates to battery life drastically. It is obvious that dimming your screen of your smartphone to reduce power consumption, as we all have to activate the screen when we use our phones. If our screen is bright lit up every few minutes, when we check our e-mails and so, it will eventually zap battery juice. Auto-Brightness allows the smartphone to adjust the brightness to its optimal level for reading while protecting the battery. Third Shorten Screen Timeout In the same way, if you want to minimize the power consumption of the screen of your smartphone, you might consider shortening the screen timeout. This determines how long the screen stays lit after you interact with him finished. Some of us are not in the habit of 'lock' the phone after we're done with it, we just let go lights out on their own. Keep the timeout time is short to ensure that the phone does not waste energy when not in use. 4th Off during inactivity Although it is true that turning on your phone consumes more power than unlock your phone for a few hours it can save more battery without that to it on sleep or inactive mode. If you know you're not going to your phone for a longer period, for example if you touch on a sleeping or sitting, you can actually cut down a significant amount of energy when you turn it off easily. 5th Charge the battery properly Speaking of phone charging, there are basically two types of rechargeable batteries commonly used for smartphones: lithium-ion (Li-ion) and nickel-based batteries, namely nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) and nickel-cadmium (NiCd).
READ MORE - #@#@###Best 5 tips to save your smartphone battery. Reviews (part 1). Reviews

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